"There is nothing in the definition that tells you how to provide yourself with S and P, given some actual experiment."
2. Alignment
"The code string is shifted by the same amount in order to maintain alignment."
3. Arithmetic
"Binary coder (such as the Q-coder) are an important special case in arithmetic coding."
4. Binomial Distribution
5. Channel
"A channel is a communication device with two ends, an input end, or transmitter, and an output end, or receiver."
6. Condition
"This theorme may seem, at first glance, to be saying that all you have to do to find the capacity of a channel and the optimal input frequencies is to solve the capacity equations of the channel, the equations arising from the Lagrange Multiplier Theorem, and the condition ( Σi )^n =1 pi = 1, for p1 ,..., pn > 0".
7. Content
"Since the average information content per character is H(S), it follows that the source is emitting information at the rate r H (S) information units per unit time, on average."
8. Denote
"Let C denote the channel capacity."
9. Differ
"By the Law of Large Numbers, if N is large, the source words of lenght N in which the proportions of the source letters within the word differ markedly from the fj have very small probability, collectively."
10. Entire
"Furthermore, there is a waste of time involved: you have to wait until the entire source string is scanned and processed before you have to code for it."
11. Exact
"There are two inconveniences to be dealt with when there is a long run of no rescaling. The first is that we have to carry on doing exact computations of the endpoints α and α + ℓ with the smaller and smaller values of ℓ."
12. Fingerprint
13. Frequency
"We now return to the general case, with A ={a1,...,an} and ai haveing input frequency pi."
14. Implicit
"The usual theory of binary block codes starts from the implicit assumption that the relative source frequencies are equal."
15. Independent
"The hidden cost suffered here is fixed, independent of the lenght of the source text, and is, therefore, usually essentially negligible."
16. Inexact
17. Input
"Input frequency: Is the relative proportion of ocurrence of an input symbol ai. Let's say we have a memoryless channe with input alphabet A = {a1,..., an}, output alphabet B={b1,...,bn}, and transition probabilities qij, for i ∈ {1,...,n}. The input frequency of a character ai is denoted by pi.
18. Joint
"Similarly, the joint and conditional entropies are average values of certain kind of
19. Jump
"The sequence x, as seen by the Fourier transform, makes a considerable jump each time k goes from -9 to -9, -1 to 0, 7 to 8, 15 to 16, etc."
20. Matching
"This can provide very fast matching, but it significantly reduces the size of the dictionary."
21. Prime
"The constant 40543 which appears in the definition is prime, but is there any other reason for its choice?"
22. Recursive
"This feature of the utility is known as revursive or iterative compression, and will enable you to compress your data files to a tiny fraction of the original size."
23. Relative
"When p=0, the capacity is zero, and any relative input frequencies are 'optimal'. "
24. Success
"When speaking of some unspecified Bernoulli trial, we will call one possible outcome Success, or S, and the ohter Failure, or F."
25. Symmetric
"A binary symmetric channel (BSC, for short) is a memoryless channel with A = B = {0,1}; whichever digit, 0 or 1, is being transmitted, the probability p that it will get through correctly is called the reliability of the channel."
26. Typical
"Higher-order models may do better, where the necessary statistics are gathered from a sample of 'typical' text."
27. Sequence
The word v is called the leave of the parsing of W into a sequence of the si.
28. Binary
The most common sort of choice for source alphabet is: S = {0, 1} L , the set
of binary words of some fixed length L.
NP en tarea de codificación adaptativa. 7 pts extra por las palabras en tarea 3.